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LCSC Native American Alumni Panel | Native American Awareness Week

March 11, 2010

Panel: Gabriel Bohnee (ERWM Director – Nez Perce Tribe), Solo Greene (ERWM Education Specialist), Antonio Smith (ERWM Communications Specialist), and Anthony Smith (ERWM Hanford Cultural Monitor).

The panel was made up of LCSC grads that now work for the Hanford site. They deal with nuclear (and possibly other) waste clean up through “Greater than Class C Waste”.  They talked about how a lot of the issues we are facing with local clean up efforts (streams and otherwise) and Hanford ties in with the treaties made with the various tribes in the area.  Another focus of the talk was on mapping out what this treaty covered, which was the areas where they were granted hunting and fishing rights (as well as buffalo hunting rights in Yellowstone).

Nez Perce Tribe ERWM (Environmental Restoration and Waste Management):

  • Internships are available, and they all talked about how you can work your way up in the program.
  • Hunting seasons in the tribes are done more by intuition, the moon and the weather rather than calendar dates
  • There is concern about revealing historic tribal sites because of fear of vandalism (as seen recently)
  • They want to make sure that there is communication between those interested in the environmental laws, cultural resource laws, and tribal concerns
  • There is concern about mercury levels in the streams and rivers

-Casey Armstrong | Social Media Developer

For more information about ERWM, visit their website.

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